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Error 1026 after validating DQMH Modules

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I am getting a 1026 error when trying to validate DQMH module.

The validation tests passed but the error is occurring after the tests.


Message.PNGValidation error.PNG


I am using LabVIEW 2021 32bit Version.


Does someone has an idea ?


Thanks for your help.




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Jean.L

It looks like something is messed up with your installed DQMH files. Do the following:


1. Uninstall the DQMH package from VIPM (this should include uninstalling all its dependencies, including DQMH Event Scripter).

2. After the uninstall, make sure the following folder on disk is either gone or empty: [LabVIEW 20xx]\project\Delacor\DQMH\_DQMH Validate Module

3. Reinstall the DQMH package from VIPM (and its dependencies).


Let me know if this fixes the issue.

Message 2 of 3

It worked! Thank you very much Darren.

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Message 3 of 3